Discover the World of Premium Cuban Cigars: Bolivar Royal Corona and Cohiba Behike 56

Cuban cigars are renowned worldwide for their exceptional quality and rich history. The journey from the lush tobacco fields of Cuba to the hands of a discerning aficionado is one steeped in tradition and craftsmanship. Among the myriad of options available, two names stand out: Bolivar Royal Corona and Cohiba Behike 56. These cigars are not merely tobacco products; they are an experience, a celebration of the finest aspects of Cuban cigar heritage.

The Art of Crafting Bolivar Royal Corona

Bolivar Royal Corona is a name synonymous with robust flavor and impeccable construction. Each cigar is hand-rolled by skilled artisans who have honed their craft over generations. The process begins with the selection of the finest tobacco leaves, known for their strength and full-bodied profile. These leaves are carefully fermented and aged, ensuring a smooth yet powerful smoke that is characteristic of the Bolivar Royal Corona.

Unveiling the Flavors

The flavor profile of the Bolivar Royal Corona is a symphony of rich, earthy notes, complemented by hints of spice and leather. As you savor each puff, the complexity of the cigar reveals itself, with a well-balanced blend that satisfies even the most discerning palate. The experience is further enhanced by the cigar’s impeccable burn and draw, a testament to the meticulous attention to detail in its construction.

The Prestige of Cohiba Behike 56

When discussing luxury cigars, the Cohiba Behike 56 invariably comes to the forefront. This cigar is the epitome of elegance and sophistication, often considered the crown jewel of Cuban cigars. The Cohiba Behike 56 is crafted using the rare Medio Tiempo leaves, which grow at the top of the tobacco plant and are known for their exceptional strength and flavor.

A Symphony of Tastes

The Cohiba Behike 56 offers a rich, creamy smoke with layers of complexity. The initial draw presents a smooth, buttery texture, followed by a cascade of flavors including cocoa, cedar, and a subtle sweetness. The cigar’s construction ensures a perfect draw, allowing the smoker to fully appreciate the intricate blend of flavors that evolve with each puff.

Comparing the Titans: Bolivar Royal Corona vs. Cohiba Behike 56

While both the Bolivar Royal Corona and Cohiba Behike 56 are exemplary in their own right, they offer distinct experiences tailored to different preferences. The Bolivar Royal Corona is ideal for those who enjoy a strong, full-bodied cigar with rich, earthy flavors. In contrast, the Cohiba Behike 56 is perfect for those seeking a luxurious, smooth smoke with a complex flavor profile.

Strength and Complexity

The Bolivar Royal Corona’s robust strength is a defining feature, making it a favorite among experienced smokers who appreciate a cigar that delivers a powerful punch. On the other hand, the Cohiba Behike 56’s complexity and smoothness make it a more refined choice, suitable for special occasions or moments of indulgence.

The Ritual of Enjoying Cuban Cigars

Smoking a Cuban cigar is not just an act; it is a ritual that requires time and appreciation. From the moment you cut the cap to the final exhale, each step is to be savored. Whether you are smoking a Bolivar Royal Corona or a Cohiba Behike 56, the experience is about more than just the flavors; it is about connecting with the rich history and craftsmanship that goes into each cigar.

Creating the Perfect Environment

To truly appreciate a Cuban cigar, one must create the perfect environment. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can relax and immerse yourself in the experience. Pair your cigar with a fine beverage—whether it be a robust coffee, a smooth whisky, or a rich red wine—to enhance the flavors and elevate the overall experience.


At The Best Cuban Cigars, we are more than just a cigar shop; we are the custodians of a centuries-old tradition, brought from the heart of Cuba to the vibrant city of Montreal. Our story is one of passion, expertise, and an unwavering commitment to quality. Our founder, inspired by Cuba’s rich tobacco heritage, sought to create a sanctuary for both newcomers and cigar connoisseurs alike—a place where the mystique of Cuban cigars is celebrated and savored. Since opening our doors, we have been dedicated to offering an unrivaled selection, ensuring that each visit provides a journey through the finest flavors and aromas that Cuban cigars have to offer. To explore our extensive collection of premium Cuban cigars, including the illustrious Bolivar Royal Corona and Cohiba Behike 56, visit our website at and embark on a journey of unparalleled taste and tradition.

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